Happy Dural
user experience I user interface
Web dashboard and Ipad

How birth look like before 120

Birth today using Epidural

The Problem
Each doctor is taking care over20-40 women that are giving birth on the same time.
Right now the amount of epidural that is given is equal for all the women.
But some of them feel pain more than others.
The doctor needs to be present at the room and interview the patient about her level of pain but he doesn't have another indication
other than what the woman say.
that's also time consuming while the doctor have 40 woman on the same time
The Solution
The solution presents an Ipad and web dashboard connected to electrodes that are being placed at the back of the woman body.
The product presents the amount of pain of each woman on the same time.
It also shows a presentation of where does the Epidural arrived and how does it effect on the woman body.
That way it's possible for the doctor to control remotely the amount of epidural for each woman
on the same time for multiply women.

The project was at ICHILOV Hospital 2022
A system which helps doctors to get remotely health data
about the patient medical situation and give remote epidural dose.
It was under the accelerator of Ichilove Hospital.
My Part in the project and work process
Lead ux designer with 2 more doctors at the team , product manager and 2 developers.
-I did interviews for 10 doctors to start with the project
-Created a ux flow following the process a doctor need to use it in his everyday work life
-information architcutre
-Wire frames
- Usability tests
first mvp took 6 month

My conclusions from the doctors interviews
1-During interviews we understood that on each doctor there are 20-40
women that are giving birth
There is a need to see a multiply births and rooms on the same time
2- need to see notification and critical notification for each woman
3- Doctor wants to see 2 options for display graph and body of the woman

I added this multiply births screen after
Interviewing the doctors
I understood the need of watching multiply birth case on the same screen.

I created
Color indication
For the health notification
Critical situation
Medium situation
ok situation

I understood that
the doctors wants to
see 2 options for display graph and body
of the woman
That's the body of the women
screen, the graph is next to it
in another tab and it has a large presentation as well.

Color Pallete
After research of the the market
and after interviewing doctors
we understood that colors needs to be
calm and cool.
In the medical world usually Epidural effect
describes as blue

The blue color in the design stands for the effect of the epidural:
light blue- light influence of the epidural on the body- maybe needs to increase the anount of epidural
Medium blue- medium influence
of the epidural on the body
Dark blue- Intense influence of the epidural on the body
Same index colors goes also to the graph

4 Design options during the design process
This are 4 design options for the main dashboard, doctors wanted to see red combo and dark combo, for the influence of the epidural, but after trying it we saw it looks like an alert in the body and the graph, which is not showing the normal case that everything is fine,
We chose the blue and purple option from the right bottom
because it describes best the normal situation, and any red alert that we will add on it will be very clear to the eye of the user.
The epidural arrives to the legs
the influence of the dose is intense graph and body display

Dark blue- Intense influence of the epidural on the body
light blue- light influence of the epidural on the body- maybe needs to increase the anount of epidural

and work flow

86% of the doctors passed the usability test without any rejects
Now the product used in a test mode in a few hospitals
Techincs and Methodology that I used
The design screens and interactive prototype